Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

Or call Chris directly at:

Phone: 518-419-8328


62020 Torkelson Rd
Bend, OR, 97701



Nothing is more perfect then a desert wedding and Central Oregon's immense beauty provides you with the perfect backdrop. Our job is to make sure that your special day is flawless and that our hard work is well hidden behind the curtain.  We feel that your decor should reflect your personal taste. We're happy to advise or suggest, but will never insist. Your wedding day is very important to us and there is no detail too small to consider. With that in mind, feel free to view some of our work from previous weddings and call us at your convenience with any questions.

We recognize that weddings are expensive and our goal is to make sure you get the event you want without breaking the bank. Our job is to develop the most creative designs while working within your budget. In most cases, given a price range we can usually accommodate most all of your design and decoration needs.

Feel free to contact us by phone, or email